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So far admin has created 103 blog entries.

Pre-Prep Baptism


A wonderful service was held in the school hall on Monday to celebrate the Baptism of Mary. Children from Reception and Kindergarten classes, as part of Come and See took part in the celebration that was the culmination in them enjoying learning about Baptism over the last four weeks. Everyone had a part to play, words to learn, new songs and learning key words for strength, Holy water to wash away the sins, light, Jesus is the light of our world and white meaning pure.

Pre-Prep Baptism2024-01-05T10:08:02+00:00

Qualifying for the ISA Dance Competition


Well done to the 'Gangsta Grannies' from Upper One and Lower One on getting through to the ISA Dance Competition. Lots of hard work put in over the holidays and during school. Special mention to Mrs Walsh for her creativity and energy in getting the girls through.

Qualifying for the ISA Dance Competition2023-11-01T14:23:25+00:00

Barley Lands 2023


Intermediate and Transition went to Barleylands for their celebration trip in October. They found out where fruits and vegetables grow and sorted foods into different food groups. We found out how wheat is milled and the children ground the ears of corn into flour then mixed it with oil, water, yeast and salt to make pizzas choosing healthy toppings that grow on the farm It was a very enjoyable day down on the farm!

Barley Lands 20232023-10-31T08:33:31+00:00

Stubbers 2023


On Tuesday 3rd October, the junior classes celebrated St. Ursula’s Day with a day trip to Stubbers. All the children took part in a full day of fun activities.  The lower junior classes thoroughly enjoyed open canoeing, paddleboarding, grass sledging and team building activities. Whilst the upper juniors participated in open canoeing, paddleboarding, laser combat and team building.

Stubbers 20232023-10-31T08:25:31+00:00

Lower Two – Sky Studio Trip


Lower Two visited Sky Academy Studios’ on Thursday 21st September. The children worked with professional studio staff in a bespoke studio to create their own movie trailers. This experience supports the curriculum, specifically: fiction writing, composition, understanding of genre, character development and reviewing and refining their story ideas.

Lower Two – Sky Studio Trip2023-10-31T08:17:15+00:00

Good Luck!


Good luck to all the children from Upper Two Class of 2023. We hope you have a great start to your life at your new schools. Hope to see some of you soon for some interesting stories.

Good Luck!2023-10-31T07:50:31+00:00

Welcome Back!


Welcome back to all our current and new student's. We hope you have another exciting year with lots of learning and fun. Greeting to our new members of staff: Miss Dow, Mrs. Price and Mr. Taylor.

Welcome Back!2023-10-31T07:48:07+00:00

Culture Day 2023


Ursuline Preparatory School, Warley, hosted a Cultural & Diversity Day for staff and students alike to celebrate, recognise and unite the wide range of cultures that are represented within our school community.  As part of our ongoing work with The Diana Award Charity scheme, the only charity set up in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales and her belief that young people have the power to change the world. The charities mission is to empower young people to lead that change through a range of initiatives which unlock their potential, inspire action and create opportunities, ensuring that no young person [...]

Culture Day 20232023-07-07T08:58:44+01:00

School Production – Dick Whittington


What a show! All the children at Ursuline Preparatory School performed beautifully in our biennial production at the Towngate Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The children were outstanding. showing true professionalism and steady confidence on the stage. All children in Lower Two and Upper Two gave exceptional performances showing character development, dynamic and energetic dancing, stage presence and comic timing- holding the audience in their hands! Children in the Pre-Prep Department charmed everyone with their singing and marching, Intermediate gave cheeky performances as little kittens, Transition were delightful Londoner, Lower One beckoned everyone to join their greedy rat crowd [...]

School Production – Dick Whittington2023-07-07T08:50:58+01:00

ISA National Athletics 2023


On Monday, 19th June Bertie from Upper One participated in the ISA National Athletics Competition held at Alexander Stadium in Birmingham. Bertie performed incredibly well, winning the event, and therefore was crowned National long Jump Champion!

ISA National Athletics 20232023-07-07T08:36:45+01:00
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