Governing Body
The School is led by an experienced board of Trustees and Governors. They have a wide range of expertise to support the School and ensure that it maintains and develops high standards. They meet with the Headmistress as a governing body three times a year and may also meet at additional times if necessary.
“The trustees ensure that the leadership and management demonstrate good skills and knowledge and fulfil their responsibilities effectively, so that the other standards are consistently met and they actively promote the well-being of pupils.” Independent School Inspectorate.
Chair of Governors, Mrs F. Deery can be contacted via the school office, 01277 227152 or by post to the school address listed at the bottom of this page.

Mrs. F. Deery

Mr. G. Moule

Mrs. A. Hyams

Mr. J. O’Shea

Mrs. P. Wilson

Ms. G. Jackson
Teacher Representative

Mrs. L. Margiotta
Co-opted Member

Sister Jude
Co-opted Member

Mrs. L. Heighton
Parent Governor

Mr. N. Rathi
Parent Governor

Mr. C. Treacy
Parent Governor

Mr. R. Whitehall
Parent Governor

Mrs. P. Bell
Chairperson PFA

Mrs. D. Cutbill