
Kindergarten is led by Mrs K. Walsh, who is supported by Mrs. H. Jennings and Mrs. M. Steward.
Kindergarten is the final class in the Pre-Preparatory department which is also referred to as the EYFS.
In Kindergarten, we build on the foundations of the Early Years that begin in Pre-Reception and Reception, alongside the introduction of academic focus subjects such as literacy and maths.
Through topics such as All About Me, People who help us, Space, 10 things I can do to help my world, Seaside and Superheroes, the seven areas of learning are covered in an immersive and fun way. The importance of outdoor play in the Secret Garden and St. Angela’s Garden is built in to the weekly timetable.
Kindergarten enjoys visits to the class by parents for the “Big Show and Tell”, and we welcome visitors from our community who tell us about the jobs they do such as Firefighters and Doctors and Dentists. Finally, we aim to help as many children as possible to ride a bike without stabilisers during the year.
Educational Quality Inspection
“Children make consistently good progress across all areas of the curriculum as they lay down strong foundations for future learning.”

“We aim to get as many children as possible to ride bikes without stabilisers. If they achieve this aim, they receive a badge and certificate to celebrate their achievement.”

Educational Quality Inspection
“All children achieve and the majority exceed, the early learning goals by the end of the foundation stage.”