Lower One – Ragged Old School Museum
As part of Lower One's Victorian History lessons, they visited the Ragged Old School Museum, where they had the opportunity to experience what life was like for the poor in London during the time The Ragged Old School opened. During Mrs. Poole's lesson, the children learned about some of the punishments used back then, such as the finger stocks and the back straightener. They also explored different arithmetic methods, [...]
Kindergarten – Visit to Arches Care Home
Kindergarten visited their friends at the care home on World book day. The children enjoyed sharing their world book day books and reading them to the residents. A great time was had by all. The children always put a smile on the residents faces and can't wait for their next visit.
ISA National U11 Girls Netball Finals
On Thursday, the Lower Two girls travelled to Kings High School in Warwick for the ISA National Netball Final. A total of 28 teams from schools across the country competed in the event. Despite the freezing, harsh conditions, the girls played exceptionally well and came away victorious in the Plate Competition, earning 5th place in the country — a fantastic achievement! We are all incredibly proud of them. It [...]
ISA National Cross Country Competition 2025
On Sunday, March 9th, Mr. Lewis took the qualifying children from the District cross country competition to compete in the National finals at Mallory Park Circuit in Leicestershire. All the children performed exceptionally well, facing tough competition. In the Year 4 girls race, we finished in 24th place, while we secured 6th place in the boys Year 4 category. Two girls from Lower Two participated in the girls Year [...]
District Swimming Gala 2025
We took a boys and girls team across to Brentwood School for the District Swimming Gala on Wednesday, 6th March. The children had a wonderful time and swam exceptionally well. The boys and girl’s teams both finished in first place and were crowned small schools district champions! Well done!
U11 District Netball Competition
On Monday, 3rd March we hosted the District Netball tournament. The event consisted of a knockout round, semi-finals then finals. There were 20 teams in total! Due to a team pulling out last minute Ursuline stepped up to the plate and put 3 teams into the competition. Ursuline B team made it through to the semi-finals but sadly lost to St. Peter’ School, making them in 4th place overall [...]
World Book Day 2025
The whole school celebrated their love of reading by dressing up as their favourite character for World Book Day. We were treated to an array of characters from the pens and keyboard keys of ever popular authors and it was lovely to see so many non-fiction titles represented. Each class (and many of the staff) had a chance to show off their fabulous costumes and share their favourite books [...]
Ash Wednesday 2025
Children from Intermediate upwards and staff gathered together to mark the beginning of Lent in our Ash Wednesday service, which was led by Fr John. The service reflected on preparing ourselves during Lent for the joy of Easter and we all learnt about the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and ‘shriving’ – when a priest hears confession. Upper Two assisted in leading the liturgy and read beautifully and the younger [...]
Viking Day – Lower Two 2025
Lower Two took part in a workshop on the Vikings provided by the company ‘Portals to the Past’. The class looked spectacular in their Viking outfits. The children learnt about where the Vikings came from, how they first arrived as raiders in Britain but later became settlers. They learnt about the Viking Gods, and their homelife. The man conducting the workshop was both knowledgeable and enthusiastic. The children looked [...]
New School Minibus
The new school minibus arrived this week, and the children are absolutely thrilled to travel in it! A huge thank you to everyone who has donated over the past year to make this purchase possible. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated PFA who work tirelessly to raise funds, making the children's time at the Ursuline even more special.
ISA East Anglia Regional Cross Country Competition
The cross-country team travelled to Littlegarth School today to compete in the ISA East Anglia Regional Cross Country competition. The team did exceptionally well, with four students qualifying for the National Finals in Leicestershire this March.
Upper One – Ancient Egypt (History off the Page)
Upper One took part in a captivating workshop on Wednesday, where the children were transported back in time to Ancient Egypt! From the moment the workshop began, the children were hooked. They eagerly embraced the immersive experience as they learned about the wonders of Ancient Egypt, all while feeling like they had truly stepped into the past. The children created their own Ancient Egyptian crafts, such as foil amulets, clay [...]
ISA East Regional U11 Netball Competition 2025
A huge congratulations to all of our Upper Two girls and Mrs Walsh for becoming the undefeated East of England Netball Champions! The girls triumphed in all eight of their games, competing against both small and large independent schools. This outstanding achievement has earned them a spot in the National finals in Warwickshire this March. Fantastic team effort, girls – well done!
Transition trip to Duxford
Transition visited Imperial War Museum Duxford. It was a beautiful and sunny day, with the children braving the cold and windy airfield of Duxford to learn about the History of Flight as part of their History topic. They went to British Air Space and explored Concorde, walked through the Comet and found out about passenger planes. The children saw a piece of cloth which was taken from the Wright [...]
St. Angela’s Mass 2025
We were very lucky to welcome Canon John to our school to lead the St Angela's Day Mass with Upper One. It was a wonderful celebration, and I am sure we all learnt something new about our blessed founder. A special thanks and well done to the children for their wonderful input.
Natural History Museum 2025 – Lower One
Lower One had a fantastic trip to the Natural History Museum. They looked at lots of different species including specimens in toxic jars! They also found the original giant sloth and touched a fossil that was 509 million years old. Finally, they had time to visit the Dinosaur exhibit and 'Under the Thames' which is a meditating room with a recording of what under the Thames would sound like. [...]
District Dance
On Tuesday 21st January 2025, the school hosted the District Dance competition involving over 100 children. The competition consisted of three different categories based on age range. The school achieved 2nd place in the year 5&6 category, and 1st place in the year 3- 6 category. The competition was judged by profession dancer Charlie Staunton, who also presented the medals and treated the children to an unexpected musical theatre [...]
STEAM Week 2025
We celebrated STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) Week from Monday 13th – Friday 17thJanuary. Throughout the week the children took part in activities ranging from; watching a maths magic show performed by Michael J. Fitch, worked with a visiting artist, an inter-house maths quiz as well building their own bridge to support a toy car! An enjoyable week had by all! [...]
Upper Two First Aid Training
Upper Two participated in a First Aid Training session this week. All children when they reach the top class have training in First Aid training. The sessions involve practical activities such as applying bandages and choking relief techniques, along with discussing actions for issues such as burns, bruising and head bumps. Although at this age the children are unlikely to need to use any of these techniques, it is [...]
Visit to the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studios
Upper 2 had an absolutely magical time on their visit to the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios in Watford. The children thoroughly enjoyed their tour which began in the Great Hall, which was beautifully set out with Christmas decorations and delicious Christmas dinner and beautiful floating candles. From there the children loved finding out all about how the films were made including props, costumes and special effects such as [...]
PFA Christmas Bazar 2024
What a wonderful vision the Christmas Bazaar was last Friday. Bargains galore to be had for all loved ones (including our beloved pets)! The children were excited to be able to go into the hall with their ‘own’ money to purchase gifts for their nearest and dearest. The choice was theirs, and with the little ones having personal shoppers assigned, all presents needed were duly purchased! As always, the [...]
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2024
The mission of Samaritan’s Purse is to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel that is taught through the bible story of the “Good Samaritan.” Samaritan’s Purse is an international relief and development organisation that works through local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God amongst communities in Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. They are part [...]
Lower One Stone Age Day 2024
On Thursday, Lower One had a visitor from Portals from the past called Dan. He taught us about the Stone Age and how things would been during this era. Many animals were here that no longer exist and he had lots of artefacts including a real mammoth bone! We were asked to find answers to a quiz, we played a fishing game, looked at lots of artefacts and learnt [...]
Language Week
The theme this year was the Paris Olympics 2024-and what a week it has been! The children learnt about Olympic sports and the names of countries in their French or Spanish lessons and then about the geography and culture of their chosen countries with their class teachers. So many exciting things happened across the school- to name just a few: Transition made a Spanish breakfast, Intermediate learned how to [...]
District Cricket Tournament
On Wednesday 19th June, the girl’s participated in a district cricket tournament. This is the first time we have entered the event which was held at old Brentwood’s Rugby Club. The girls played brilliantly and finished in first place and were crowned district champions.
District Tennis Competition
On Tuesday 18th June, four mixed teams of four children from Lower One and Upper One went to Brentwood School to compete in the District Tennis Competition. All the children had a great time and played exceptionally well. In the plate competition we finished in first and second place. In the cup event we came second and third. A great achievement.
ISA National Athletic Competition 2024
On 17th June Ami Olowoyeye from Lower Two participated in the National Athletics Competition held at Alexander Stadium in Birmingham. Ami performed incredibly well coming third in the 75m and picking up a bronze medal.
Father’s Day Celebration: Pre-Prep Department and Infants
Pre-Reception, Reception and Kindergarten The children had a wonderful time last Friday at the Pre-Prep Department’s Father’s Day celebration. Unfortunately, we were unable to order consistent sunshine, but, this did not dampen the enthusiasm in the school hall where, after tucking into a delicious picnic lunch, the children, in an atmosphere of buzz and excitement, embarked on the creation of a minibeast habitat with Dad and Grandad, using natural [...]
Pirate Day – Transition
Oooh Arrr! 20 mini pirates invaded the school on Thursday for a marble in the jar celebration! The children in Transition found out about famous pirates from History, sang pirate songs, constructed a small fleet of pirate ships, and completed a pirate maths challenge! A swash buckling exciting day!
ISA Regional Athletics 2024
Unfortunately, due to the date of the ISA Regional Athletics competition being held in our half term several children were not available. However, the children that did attend competed very well and had a great time. Grace Diji managed to come 3rd in the 80m sprint, Paul Dibigbo came 2nd in the 80m sprint, the Lower Two girls relay team finished 22nd Ami Oloweoyeye came 1st in the 75m [...]
Ragged Old School Museum – Lower One
Lower One had a brilliant trip to The Ragged Old School on Wednesday. This was linked to the history work that they have been doing on The Victorians. When they arrived, they were greeted by 'Mrs. Poole' who took the children for an authentic lesson which would have taken place in the 1800s. She asked the children to answer arithmetic questions, practice their handwriting and draw symmetrically - all [...]
District Cricket Tournament – South Weald Cricket Club
On Tuesday 11th June, the boy’s cricket team travelled to South Weald Cricket Club for the annual District Tournament. The boys played extremely well managing to finish in 3rd place out of twelve teams. Credit must be given to our team as many of the children were playing one or years above their year group.
Chatham Dockyard – Transition
Transition had a fantastic day at Chatham Dockyard on Tuesday, exploring ships and exhibits as part of our history work on The History of Ships. First, they met Pirate Tracy who taught the children how to be pirates and they marvelled at her treasure, dressed up and sang songs. Then the children went to the Ropery and learnt how to make rope. Transition scrambled through the submarine, looked up [...]
May Procession
A beautiful service in honour of Our Lady during her month of May was held on Friday 10th May. Led by Lower Two, the school celebrated with readings from the Bible, prayers and a wonderful array of flowers made by each class which were brought to our statue of Mary as an offering. It was a very calm and thoughtful afternoon. [...]
In the Pre-Prep Department, the children were treated to an amazing journey into the world of animals. They were very excited to examine and explore the wonders of the mini animal kingdom which Emily, from ZooLab, had kindly brought in for our little detectives! They were bursting with enthusiasm and enjoyed getting up close and personal with the little animal visitors, discovering plenty of facts and asking heaps of [...]
Intermediate and the Beanstalk
In Intermediate each child planted a bean, we watered them every day, kept them in a sunny spot and they grew very quickly. The children were able to do some observational drawings of their plants at two different heights. Then, when they were too big for their pots, Mr. Taylor helped us plant them against canes, outside the classroom window. We are so excited to [...]
Foundation Day
The school celebrated Foundation Day, our school’s birthday, on Monday 29th May 2024. This year the Ursuline school is 124 years old! Mrs. Parker-Litjens took a special assembly to mark the occasion sharing information about our school’s foundation, it’s history, successes and about Mother Clare who founded our school and had a love of white flowers. All children and staff wore white flowers and/or white ribbons and the children [...]
ISA Tag Rugby Competition
On Thursday, 25th April, a mixed team from Upper One, Lower Two and Upper Two went to Woodlands School, with for the ISA Tag Rugby Competition. The children were a credit to themselves, their parents and the school playing with great determination throughout the tournament winning all their matches. Their efforts were rewarded when they retained the title from last year and were crowned ISA Tag Rugby Champions 2024! [...]
Stations of the Cross Assembly – Lower One
This morning was a very special occasion for Lower One as they presented their Stations of the Cross service where they shared the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross. They did a fantastic job of sharing the importance of this story and the messages that Jesus teaches us. All of Lower One have worked incredibly hard over the last four weeks to put this together at suchahighstandardandtheirdeterminationreallyshowed. Theyspokesowellwhenreading [...]
Transition Space Day
Twenty little aliens and space cadets landed in the school playground yesterday for Transition’s Space Day! The classroom was transformed into a space rocket (with the help of mountains of black material, hundreds of fairy lights, and boxes of tin foil!) The children spent the day learning about our solar system. They also watched a video of Tim Peake who was conducting water experiments whilst in the International Space [...]
Comic Relief 2024
The children and staff came to school in an array of red or comic relief themed clothing to support this charity drive last Friday. Children took part in different activities and had a special assembly in the afternoon. Money raised will go towards local, national, and international projects helping children and families who need our support. Thank you for all your donations.
Kindergarten visit to Arches Care Home
Yesterday, Kindergarten went to visit the residents of Brentwood Arches Care Home. A trip that was fondly anticipated by the retirement home community. The children had a lovely afternoon, reading to the ladies and gentleman under the supervision of Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Steward. A very worthwhile exercise which the children benefitted greatly.
Brentwood Sport Tournament 2024
On Friday, Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Walsh, and Mrs. Tucker accompanied children from Lower Two to Brentwood School for their annual Netball and Football Sports Tournaments. In the football competition we came 6th out of 12 and played very, very well, only losing one match. Mr. Lewis is extremely proud of how they engaged in the game and competed against some very strong opposition. The girls also played magnificently and [...]
Masai Cultural Arts – World Book Day – ‘Around the World’
Empiricism came into its own on Monday, when we were visited by Usifu Jalloh from Masai Cultural Arts as part of our ‘Around the World’ themed Book Week. In our whole school assembly, we (children and staff) were completely immersed as we were transported to Africa via a variety of countries, in a magic peanut shell! This journey set the scene perfectly for each phases’ workshop, which were both [...]
ISA National U11 (Boys) Football Tournament 2024
Following their qualification in the ISA Regional Football Competition at The Len Forge Centre, Southend on 27th February. Our football team travelled with their parents on Thursday to Burton-on-Trent ready for the national final competition on Friday, 8th March at St. George’s Park. The proud home to all 23 of England’s national football teams, St.George’s Park boasts second-to-none facilities and is a wonderful celebration of all things football! The [...]
Infant Mother’s Day Assembly 2024
Children from Intermediate and Transition performed the most wonderful Mother’s Day assembly to all their parents. The theme was Pioneering Women. The children sang, spoke, acted, and delighted everyone who came. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house especially when Intermediate sang “You are my sunshine!” At the end all children gave their mum’s acard and pot of flowers.
Pre-Prep Mother’s Day Assembly 2024
Children from Pre-Reception, Reception and Kindergarten performed the most wonderful Mother’s Day assembly to all their parents. They performed 3 songs with the use of instruments and sign language. Kindergarten also recited a poem called ‘My Mummy is the Best’ They also let their mummies know why they loved them so much. At the end all children and parents joined together to decorate their photo frames. [...]
World Book Day 2024
The whole school celebrated their love of reading by dressing up as a book character for World Book Day. This year’s theme is ‘Around the World’ and were treated to an array of characters from the length and breadth of our beautiful planet. Authors and titles from all seven continents were represented and both staff and children looked fantastic in a variety of costumes, which ranged from Dorothy and [...]
District Swimming Gala 2024
On Wednesday, we took a boys and girls team to Brentwood School for the District Swimming Gala. The children enjoyed every race and swam exceptionally well. Both teams came second in the competition. Congratulations to all the children!
ISA National Cross-Country Championships
On Saturday, Mr. Lewis travelled to Worksop with four of our girls who were taking part in the ISA National Cross-Country Championships after qualifying on 16th February in the Regional Competition. They all performed exceptionally well against intense competition, each race had over 70 children running. Congratulations to Isabelle Holme, Chayah Falola, Jasmine O’Riordan, and Grace Diji who finished 4th, 7th, 19th and 45th respectively in their age categorised [...]
ISA Regional 5-A-Side Football Tournament
On Tuesday, the boys from Lower Two and Upper Two travelled to The Len Forge Centre in Southend with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wilson to take part in the ISA 5-a-side Regional Football Tournament. We were delighted that the boys were able to play at all, as the original venue, Alleyn Court, were unable to host the event due to waterlogged pitches. 14 teams from various schools in the [...]
U11 District Netball Tournament 2024
Fifteen schools accepted the invitation to take part in the annual tournament. With some of them intending on bringing two teams making 18 teams competing in total. However, one school withdrew their entry at the last moment which meant we had to play another team in order to make up the group knock out numbers. Notwithstanding the changeable weather, all teams participated with enthusiasm. Ursuline A, B and C [...]
Ash Wednesday Service
Children from Pre-Reception upwards and staff gathered to mark the beginning of Lent in our Ash Wednesday service, which was led by Fr John. The service reflected on repentance, thinking of others, and preparing ourselves for the joy of Easter. Upper Two assisted in leading the liturgy and read beautifully and the younger children responded enthusiastically to Fr John’s homily. The school community received ashes on their foreheads with [...]
Pancake Races
On Tuesday, 13th February, we held our annual Shrove Tuesday, Pancake races. The weather being as it was, the races took place in the school hall. The children had a great time with the final house placings as follows: St. Patrick’s St. David’s St Andrew’s St. George’s
Harry Potter Day – Upper Two
Upper Two followed up their trip to the Warner Bros. Studios on 8th January with their own school- based Harry Potter themed afternoon this week. We invited our year 6 friends from St Mary’s, Hare Park to join in the fun and a muggletastic time was had by all! The afternoon started with each pupil being assigned their Hogwarts House by the sorting hat. From there the children took [...]
Netball – New Hall Invitation Cup Competition
Huge congratulations to our Lower Two netball team. Today they went to New Hall School accompanied by Mrs. Walsh and Mr. Lewis to compete against 15 other teams in the New Hall Invitation Cup Competition. I am absolutely thrilled to share that they were unbeaten in all matches including the final against Bancrofts School and have now been crowned champions in this tournament.
Viking Day – Lower Two
Lower Two had a Viking themed day with Portals to the Past last Tuesday. The children and staff all dressed up in Viking outfits. During the day the children learnt about how the Vikings came to Britain and how over time they moved from being raiders to invaders and then settlers. They also studied their beliefs, the roles of men, women, and children in their cultures, and also about [...]
IWM Duxford – Transition Trip
On 31st January, Transition braved the cold and windy airfield of Duxford to learn about the History of Flight as part of their History topic. They went into British Airspace and looked at and explored the Comet, Concorde and Hermes. They sequenced the History of flight and discovered the Vulcan and Flying boat. After lunch they went over to the American Hanger and explored American aircraft which included the [...]
ISA Table Tennis Competition
Mr. Lewis accompanied William Barker, Yishai Choo, Blake Gibson and Bertie Heighton to the ISA National Table Tennis Competition that took place at the University of Nottingham today. The children had a very early start this morning, leaving here at 7am. I am delighted to share with you that in the Cup Competition Yishai came 3rd and Blake 4th, in the Plate Competition Will came 1st and in the [...]
District Dance Competition 2024
On Monday, the school hosted the inaugural District Dance Competition. Several local schools took part in the competition that was judged in two age categories. The Judge, Ms. Staunton, had a very difficult time in selecting the prize winners from a very diverse range of dance styles, some of which featured up to 30 children whilst others entered solo performers. We were thrilled to share with you that we [...]
St. Angela’s Mass
The school was pleased to welcome Fr John back to the school to celebrate mass in honour of the founder of the Ursuline Order, St. Angela. Upper One made an important contribution to the liturgy with their readings and prayers. They had worked hard in their preparations by learning about the life of St. Angela and her vision for education and shared some lovely writing with us at the [...]
Enterprise Week 2024
Upper Two’s Enterprise Week got off to a fantastic start this week with their ‘Fun and Food Fair’ on Monday morning. Following weeks of preparation each House set up their stall selling food or drink items and their fun fair game. The hall was a buzz with excitement and sales patter as each class from [...]
STEAM Week 2024
The school celebrated STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) Week from Monday 8th to Friday 12th January 2024. Throughout the week the children took part in activities ranging from; watching a maths magic show performed by Michael J. Fitch, worked with a visiting artist to produce specific pieces, an inter-house maths quiz as well as building their own vehicle to transport a teddy! An enjoyable week had by [...]
Upper Two – Harry Potter Studio Tour
Upper Two had an absolutely magical time on their visit to the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios in Watford on Monday. The children thoroughly enjoyed their tour which began in the breath-taking Great Hall, complete with a sumptuous Christmas feast and a ceiling of floating candles. From there the children loved finding out how the films were made including props, costumes, and special effects such as green screen technology. [...]
Lower Two – Visit to the Shard
On Thursday, 8th December Lower Two visited The Shard. The children had the privilege of experiencing ‘a day at the office’ at Kraft Heinz. In preparation to our visit the children worked hard in groups to create their own sauce flavours, we researched sauce ideas plus looked at various advertising techniques in order to fine tune our pitches. During the visit, the children were given a very warm welcome [...]
Christingle 2023
Christmas has begun at the Ursuline Prep. now that the children have taken part in our annual Christingle! It was an absolute pleasure to welcome our Trustees, Governors, Guests, Parents and members of the clergy to our celebration The children sang, danced, read, and behaved brilliantly. It was a truly magical and special evening for all who were there to share our service. The children in the Pre-Prep department [...]
ISA National Swimming Finals
Mr. Lewis accompanied Shervin Abhari, Emily Burgess and Elianne Green to The London Olympic Pool, Stratford for the ISA National Swimming Finals last Friday. All the children were extremely excited although a little apprehensive. They swam very well in their races. Elianne competed in the year 5 Freestyle Relay race and was awarded a bronze medal. Emily competed in the year 4 relay race and came 5th and Shervin [...]
Kindergarten – Visit to Arches Care Home
On Thursday, Kindergarten went along with some of the children in Lower Two to Arches Care Home in Brentwood to visit the residents, join them in their tree lighting ceremony and sing some Christmas songs. Whilst they were there, Father Christmas paid them a visit and gave each child a present!
Upper One – Ancient Egyptian Day
Upper One were transported back in time to Ancient Egypt! The children took part in various workshops and activities including: mummifying a peg doll and making a clay beaded necklace. At the end of the day the children enjoyed an Egyptian celebration taking part in plays, mimes and dances and then had an Egyptian feast. We were joined by several of our parents, whose participation was invaluable. My thanks [...]
District Tag Rugby Competition
A mixed team from Lower One and Upper One went to Old Brentwood Rugby Club for the District Tag Rugby Tournament. All the children had a great time and played extremely well. Ursuline managed to win their pool and went through to the final round of games. By winning one of their two remaining games they finished the tournament in second place. Again, a great achievement for one of the [...]
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 took place from Monday 13th - Friday 17th November with the theme ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’. We began the week with our school’s Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (William Barker, Isabella Benton, Eddie Burgess, Jessica Davis, Bertie Heighton, Poppy Heighton, Charis Oladejo, Lucas Oluitan, Lucy Reynolds, and Phoebe Rolfe) leading the school in a whole school assembly, whilst issuing our UPS ‘Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy’. On Monday the [...]
Lower One Stone Age Workshop
Lower One had an history experience day where they enjoyed a ‘visiting’ Stone Age workshop. The children had a full day of being immersed in life during the Stone Age. With the instructor, the children learnt about the different stages of the period and how we, as humans, have evolved through millions of years. They built a model of Stonehenge, had the opportunity to explore historical artefacts such as [...]
ISA Table Tennis Tournament
On Monday, 13th November the boy’s table tennis team travelled to Stoke college to compete in an ISA tournament. All the children played incredibly well, with Yishai Choo coming 1st and William Barker claiming 3rd place. The boys were a real credit to themselves and to the school.
Remembrance Day – Upper One Assembly
Upper One marked the Armistice with their class assembly. Upper One led the school and their parents in a thoughtful reflection upon the significance of this date for everyone. It was a moving assembly that gave us an insight into the history of children’s individual families. As is fitting, during the assembly two minutes silence was observed. The charity prefects with their helpers sold poppy related items given to [...]
CAFOD 20p Coin Trail
Children throughout the school collected 20 pence pieces for the annual coin trail. We had a visitor from CAFOD who reminded us that it is our right to have clean water, but many children in the world do not have this privilege. We learnt about the theme 'Brighten up your life'. When terrible floods struck Pakistan last year, CWSA, a CAFOD-supported local organisation expert in providing medical help during [...]
Pre-Prep Baptism
A wonderful service was held in the school hall on Monday to celebrate the Baptism of Mary. Children from Reception and Kindergarten classes, as part of Come and See took part in the celebration that was the culmination in them enjoying learning about Baptism over the last four weeks. Everyone had a part to play, words to learn, new songs and learning key words for strength, Holy water to [...]
Qualifying for the ISA Dance Competition
Well done to the 'Gangsta Grannies' from Upper One and Lower One on getting through to the ISA Dance Competition. Lots of hard work put in over the holidays and during school. Special mention to Mrs Walsh for her creativity and energy in getting the girls through.
Barley Lands 2023
Intermediate and Transition went to Barleylands for their celebration trip in October. They found out where fruits and vegetables grow and sorted foods into different food groups. We found out how wheat is milled and the children ground the ears of corn into flour then mixed it with oil, water, yeast and salt to make pizzas choosing healthy toppings that grow on the [...]
Stubbers 2023
On Tuesday 3rd October, the junior classes celebrated St. Ursula’s Day with a day trip to Stubbers. All the children took part in a full day of fun activities. The lower junior classes thoroughly enjoyed open canoeing, paddleboarding, grass sledging and team building activities. Whilst the upper juniors participated in open canoeing, paddleboarding, laser combat and team building.
Lower Two – Sky Studio Trip
Lower Two visited Sky Academy Studios’ on Thursday 21st September. The children worked with professional studio staff in a bespoke studio to create their own movie trailers. This experience supports the curriculum, specifically: fiction writing, composition, understanding of genre, character development and reviewing and refining their story ideas.
Good Luck!
Good luck to all the children from Upper Two Class of 2023. We hope you have a great start to your life at your new schools. Hope to see some of you soon for some interesting stories.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to all our current and new student's. We hope you have another exciting year with lots of learning and fun. Greeting to our new members of staff: Miss Dow, Mrs. Price and Mr. Taylor.
Culture Day 2023
Ursuline Preparatory School, Warley, hosted a Cultural & Diversity Day for staff and students alike to celebrate, recognise and unite the wide range of cultures that are represented within our school community. As part of our ongoing work with The Diana Award Charity scheme, the only charity set up in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales and her belief that young people have the power to change the world. [...]
School Production – Dick Whittington
What a show! All the children at Ursuline Preparatory School performed beautifully in our biennial production at the Towngate Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The children were outstanding. showing true professionalism and steady confidence on the stage. All children in Lower Two and Upper Two gave exceptional performances showing character development, dynamic and energetic dancing, stage presence and comic timing- holding the audience in their hands! Children in [...]
ISA National Athletics 2023
On Monday, 19th June Bertie from Upper One participated in the ISA National Athletics Competition held at Alexander Stadium in Birmingham. Bertie performed incredibly well, winning the event, and therefore was crowned National long Jump Champion!
May Procession 2023
Lower 2 and Mrs Macdonald led an assembly in honour of our Blessed Mother Mary in which the children were reminded of the joyful, sorrowful and glorious events in her life. Each aspect concluded with a reflection on Mary’s inspiration to us and a recitation of her special prayer the Hail Mary. At the end of the assembly the children processed out of the hall and each placed their [...]
Pre-Reception welcome animals from Zoolab
Pre-reception enjoyed meeting Emily from Zoolab. They met Turbo the African Snail, Sticky the Stick insect, Darth Vader the Scorpion, Cheese the Millipede, Mr Jangles the corn snake and Frank the hamster.
King Charles III – Coronation Celebration
With help from our wonderful PFA the school celebrated the King’s Coronation in style with a Coronation Celebration Street Party on Friday. The school was ablaze with flags, bunting and balloons and the hall was transformed into a whole school dining room fit for royalty! All children (and staff) wore red, white and blue and the winners of our crown and picture competition were announced. The children and staff [...]
Fitness Week – Dance Workshop
As a conclusion to our Fitness week, the children enjoyed a dance workshop run by students from Adagio College of Performing Arts. Although some boys were apprehensive all children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of warm-ups, games, exercises, choreography, and dance. The younger years did Jungle Ballet, and a routine to the Lion King. The older years learnt Street Dance and exercises - all being challenged to learn the helicopter [...]
ISA Tag Rugby Tournament 2023
On Thursday, 27th April we went to Woodlands School, with a mixed team from Lower Two and Upper Two for the ISA Tag Rugby Competition. The children were a credit to themselves, their parents and the school playing with great determination throughout the tournament. Their efforts were rewarded with 4 wins and 1 draw meaning they were crowned ISA Tag Rugby Champions 2023!
ISA Netball Finals
Mrs. Walsh travelled to Rugby for the ISA National Netball Competition with our team. This fixture, originally to be held in March had been postponed due to bad weather and consequently unplayable courts. Many of the girls travelled to the venue on Tuesday evening with their parent’s. Over 600 schools are eligible to play in this competition so to reach the National Finals is a huge achievement. The girls [...]
E-Safety Workshops – April 2023
On Tuesday 25th April, we welcomed EST Safety (known as ‘The 2 Johns’) to the school. They are very well known throughout Essex and have been providing online safety workshops within schools for many years. We had age-appropriate workshops for the children, followed by an evening session for the parents. We recorded the parent workshop for anyone who was unable to attend (please see the link below). The recording [...]
Foundation Day 2023
We enjoyed celebrating Foundation Day, our school’s birthday, on Monday. This year the Ursuline school is 123 years old! Mrs. Parker-Litjens and Mrs. Macdonald took a special assembly to mark the occasion sharing information about our school’s foundation, it’s history, successes and about Mother Clare who founded our school and had a love of white flowers. All children and staff wore white flowers and/or white ribbons and the children [...]
U10 ISA Netball Rally 2023
On Wednesday we hosted the U10 ISA Netball Rally. 8 other schools were invited to take part in the annual tournament. Our B team consisting of some younger Year 4’s played really well. Sadly they were defeated in a closely fought match and didn’t make it to the semi finals. Our A team, played extremely well and got through the the semi finals and then went on to play [...]
Book Week
The whole school celebrated their love of reading by dressing up as their favourite character for World Book Day. We were treated to an array of characters from the pens and keyboard keys of ever popular authors David Walliams, Julia Donaldson, Roald Dahl and J.K. Rowling to name but a few. Non-Fiction titles were also well represented and Frieda Kahlo, Albert Einstein and Coco Chanel all made an appearance. [...]
Spring Concert 2023
The school choir and children delighted our governors and guests when they performed to a packed audience at our Spring Concert in the school Hall on Wed 8th March. It was a tremendous evening with the children singing popular songs and songs from the musicals. A special mention must be made to our soloists Katerina Stowe-Mici, Saanvi Korde, Alexander Wells, Jessica Toth and Felicity-Parker Litjens. The children in the [...]
Swimming Gala 2023
The boys and girls team went across to Brentwood School for the District Swimming Gala on Wednesday 8th March. The Children had a wonderful time and swam exceptionally well. The boy’s team won the competition and the girl’s team came second, having been beaten by 1 point! Congratulations to all the children.
Tamsyn Murray – Author visit
We were thrilled to welcome author Tamsyn Murray to our school on Tuesday as part of our Book Week celebrations. Our day started with a whole school assembly during which Tamsyn talked to us about her journey to becoming an author and the inspiration she had taken from her love of animals including telling us some hilarious anecdotes about naughty dog Lily. Tamsyn then spent the rest of the [...]
U11 District Netball Rally 2023
On Wednesday we hosted the U11 District Netball Rally. 12 other schools were invited to take part in the annual tournament. Our Year 5’s played older girls and held their own and qualified for the quarter finals. Sadly they were defeated in a closely fought match. Our A team, played extremely well and even though they had an injury we got through the finals and narrowly lost the final. [...]
Lower 2 at Wagamama
On Wednesday 23rd February Lower Two set off to Chelmsford as they were going to Wagamama as a continuation of the following topics; healthy eating and instructional writing whilst enjoying the diversity of a cuisine originated from Japan. On arrival, Lower Two were given an informative explanation of the types of delicious and nutritious food and drinks served at Wagamama. We were then split in to 2 groups, each group took turns [...]
District Tag Rugby Tournament – Old Brentwood Rugby Club
On Wednesday 22nd February a mixed team from Lower and Upper 1 as well as a team from Lower and Upper 2 to the District Tag rugby tournament at Old Brentwood’s Rugby club. All the children had a great time and played extremely well. Lower and Upper 1 managed to reach the final having won all their matches in the group stage and semi-finals. They met Brentwood in the [...]
Ash Wednesday Service 2023
Children from Pre-Reception upwards and staff gathered together to mark the beginning of Lent in our Ash Wednesday service, which was led by Fr Gary. The service reflected on repentance, thinking of others and preparing ourselves for the joy of Easter, with Fr Gary highlighting the three aspects that we need to focus on during the coming weeks: prayer; doing something extra to help others and giving something up. [...]
Pancake Races 2023
On Tuesday 21st February, we held our annual Pancake races. The children had a great time with the final placings between the houses being St Andrew’s 1st, St. George’s 2nd, St. Patrick’s 3rd and St. David’s 4th.
E-Safety Week
E-Safety, is an important part of the children’s education at The Ursuline Preparatory School. E-Safety Week kicked off with the whole school assembly, explaining to the children about keeping safe online and using their knowledge of real-life situations, online. Although Safer Internet Day was on Tuesday 7th February, the children had been taking part in a variety of activities involving circle time, storytelling, taking part in interactive activities and [...]
Harry Potter Day – Upper 2
Upper Two had a fantastic day at school on Thursday. Continuing on from their wonderful trip to Harry Potter Studios last month, the children were lucky enough to experience their very own Harry Potter experience here at school. Upper Two started with their Coding workshop with Professor Elangodore in the hall where they got to use their interactive wands and find their [...]
ISA Table Tennis Competition 2023
Yishai from Upper One travelled to Nottingham to take part in the ISA Table Tennis Tournament. Yishai along with 18 other competitors (most of whom were 2 years older) played for a cup, a bowl, and a trophy. A hard-fought contest Yishai was successful in his efforts and we are thrilled to share that he won the bowl and came 3rd in the group. Huge Congratulations Yishai!
Lower 1 Football Friendly
On Thursday 2nd February we took a mixed team of girls and boys from Lower 1 to play in a friendly football tournament at Alleyn Court. The children had a wonderful time and played some great football ending up winning 4 matches, drawing one and losing one. Well done team!
Lower Two Viking Day
Lower Two had a Viking themed day with Portals to the Past. The children and staff all dressed up in Viking outfits (admittedly we generally were not historically accurate in this 😊). During the course of the day the children learnt about how the Vikings came to Britain, over time moving from raiders to invaders and settlers. They also learnt about their beliefs, the roles of men, women and [...]
Girls district football tournament
On Tuesday 31st January we took a team from Upper and Lower 1 to participate in the Brentwood district football tournament. The girls played very well managing to win their pool and progressing through to the semi-finals. This proved to be a very tight contest, with the score staying 0-0 at full time and after extra time. Unfortunately, St. Helens went through due their better results in the pool [...]
Upper Two visit to the Harry Potter Studios
Upper 2 had an absolutely magical time on their visit to the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios in Watford. The children thoroughly enjoyed their tour which began in the Great Hall, the doors of which were opened by our birthday boy, Ismail. From there the children loved finding out all about how the films were made including props, costumes and special effects such as green screen technology. After a [...]
Football County Finals Chelmsford
On Tuesday 24th January we took a boy’s football team from Upper One, Lower Two and Upper Two to the county finals in Chelmsford. They played really well in the pool stage winning two games and drawing one. This put them through to the semi final which proved very tense and went to penalties. Unfortunately, we just lost but the boy’s were a real credit to the school. [...]
Lower Two Sky Studio’s Trip
On Thursday 19th January Lower Two visited Sky Academy Studios’, the children worked with professional studio staff in a bespoke studio to create their own movie trailers. This experience supports the curriculum, specifically: fiction writing, composition, understanding of genre, character development and reviewing and refining their story ideas. Before we attended Sky Studios the children worked in groups to come up with a story idea and produce a storyboard. [...]
ISA Under 11 Netball tournament
The Upper Two Netball team went to Alleyn Court to participate in the ISA Under 11 Netball tournament. The girls won all of their matches in their pool and went through to the semi finals. After loosing a tight game to Copthill they went on to the finals against NewHall and won. Placing overall 3rd. They have now qualified to attend the ISA Nation Finals. Well done to all [...]
Enterprise Week 2023
Enterprise Week 2023 Upper Two are very excited about this year’s ‘I’m an Upper Two Get Me Out of Here!’ themed Enterprise Week and have been busy organising their activities and choosing their charities. They will be explaining all about their chosen charity in this Monday’s assembly and carrying out their challenges (total permitting!) in Friday’s assembly. Each day, one [...]
ISA Eastern Art Competition
ISA Art Competition Every year we take part in the ISA Eastern Region Art Competition where we have gained many prizes often taking work to the annual national competition. This year, on Friday 14th October 2022 we entered individual and group pieces from our school animal themed art competition that we displayed at our Prize Giving ceremony. We are delighted to announce we received five prizes: three first place [...]
Raising Money for Charity
Cafod Coin Trail Children throughout the school collected 20 pence pieces for our annual coin trail. We had a visitor from CAFOD on Monday, who reminded us that every 20pmade a difference and that £7 could feed a family for a month. Thank you for your generosity, in total we raised £817.40! The children laid their 20p coins down in their house lines in the school hall. It was [...]
Go! Ursuline Lionesses!
Friendly Football Event A team of 10 girls from across the junior classes competed in their first football event representing Ursuline Prep. The event took place at Alleyn Court. They competed in several matches, very often against older and bigger opponents. They all gave their best and played extremely well winning several of their matches.
ISA Dance Competition
Dance Success 14 pupils travelled to Reddam House, Berkshire to compete in the ISA National Dance Competition. After a long day of watching a range of different dances styles: ballet, contemporary, tap and acrobatic, our pupils performed a contemporary piece called ‘Twin Separation’. They performed to the best of their ability and achieved 3rd place. An incredible achievement as the standard of dancing was very high and there were [...]