
The first formal tests take place.
Learning Through Topics
“The many topics that we cover throughout the year compliment the children’s learning.”
Transition is led by Mrs. I. Parker-Litjens and Mrs. V. Gibbon and they are supported by Mrs. J. Pendrous.
In Transition we build on the skills that children have accumulated during the early years, focussing on greater independence and concreting understanding in all their learning including the introduction of joined up handwriting. The children currently work towards taking the SAT’s assessment at the end of Key Stage 1, which we use as an internal assessment.
Throughout the year a range of topics compliment their learning, which include the History of Flight and Ships through the Ages and trips to Duxford and Chatham Dockyard. We learn about the British Isles, where our food comes from and study the Wonders of the World.
We hold a joint assemblies with Intermediate for Christmas and Mother’s Day and at the end of the year we celebrate their personal journey in our Transition Celebration Assembly. We aim that all children leave Transition ready for the challenges of the Junior School.