Upper One
Independent Learning
The children are encouraged to asses their own learning.
Achievements, both big and small, are celebrated to give each child the opportunity to shine.

Upper One is led by Miss L. Mitchell, who is supported by Mrs. J. Thomas.
In Upper One we promote a love of learning, by using a mixture of creative, practical and interactive learning opportunities. The children are encouraged to become independent learners, who take pride in their work and always try their best. We create a positive learning environment for the children, where they feel motivated to learn and are rewarded through praise, ascending the behaviour chart, and receiving dojo ’s, house points and excellent works. The children are also encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their work and work towards receiving their pen licence which is presented during whole school assemblies.
We place a special importance on recognising everyone’s achievements, big and small and like to give each child the opportunity to shine. Each week a child is randomly selected to be Upper One’s ‘Fabulous Friend’. Being the ‘Fabulous Friend’ for a week is a real high point for the children. They are appointed as the leader of the class, taking the helm in activities for the week and having the opportunity to showcase their personal hobbies and achievements in an interactive presentation at the end of the week. A personalised booklet is created, with contributions from their classmates to let them know, why they are such a fabulous friend!
One of the highlights of being in Upper One, is studying the Ancient Egyptians. During an immersive day-long workshop, which takes place in our ‘time travelling’ school hall, the children experience a mixture of activities including practical handcrafts and drama through role-play and imagination, to help inspire them about history. Parents are welcome to join in this immersive experience becoming ‘Ancient Egyptians’ themselves for the day! Within one of the class-based lessons, the children learn about the mummification process, by mummifying a doll.
Celebration Days
Stubbers Outdoor Adventure Centre, where the children learn new skills, while having a lot of fun!
Healthy Eating
A trip to a local restaurant to learn about healthy eating and cooking.
Team Work
The children work together to gain class dojo’s. When sufficient have been accumulated the class choose a treat!